Adafruit CH552 QT Py - 8051 Dev Board with STEMMA QT
Adafruit Industries, LLC mail
What a cutie pie! Or is it... a QT Py? This diminutive dev board comes with a throwback processor - an 8-bit 8051! The CH552 is an 'enhanced' E8051 core microcontroller, compatible with MCS51 instruction set but with 8~15 times faster instruction execution speed. You can run this core at 16MHz and 3.3V logic, and it's gotbuilt-in 16K program FLASH memory and, 256-byte internal RAM plus 1K-byte internal xRAM (xRAM supports DMA. It's also got some cute tricks up it's sleeve, like 4 built-in ADC channels, capacitive touch support, 3 timers / PWM channels, hardware UART, SPI, and a full-speed USB device controller. The last one means it can act like a native USB device such as CDC serial or mouse/keyboard HID.
Rev ALicenses
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