Adafruit Qualia ESP32-S3 for TTL RGB-666 Displays
Adafruit Industries, LLC mail
There's a few things everyone loves: ice cream, kittens, and honkin' large TFT screens. We're no strangers to small TFT's - from our itsy 1.14 inch color display that graces many-a-TFT-Feather to our fancy 3.5 inch 320x480 breakout screen. But most people who dabble or engineer with microcontrollers know that you sort of 'top out' at 320x480 - that's the largest resolution you can use with every day SPI or 8-bit 8080 interfaces. After that, you're in TTL-interface TFT land, where displays no longer have an internal memory buffer and instead the controller has to continuously write scanline data over a 16 or 18 or 24 pin interface.
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