Kolibri HALO-90
The Halo-90 is an earring that has a circular shape made of 90 LEDs – like a halo. This iconic piece of jewelry creates a light pattern that ebbs and flows to any music that is playing.
While the physical design of this product has many functional components, it also incorporates many creative and aesthetic features likely to receive some level of copyright protection – the ethereal glow, the red circular light pattern, and modern but elegant and retro vibe.
The CERN OHL v2.0, S Variant, will allow downstream users to copy and modify these aesthetic design elements without fear of infringement. The S Variant of this license will additionally impose reciprocal obligations on downstream users. For example, if you take this product and make modifications – such as change the color of the LED light, or add a second ring of light to the earring that has a synchronized light pattern – you are obligated to make those modifications available to the public under a CERN OHL v2.0, S Variant license.
CERN-OHL-S-2.0The CERN OHL v2.0, S Variant, will allow downstream users to copy and modify these aesthetic design elements without fear of infringement. The S Variant of this license will additionally impose reciprocal obligations on downstream users. For example, if you take this product and make modifications – such as change the color of the LED light, or add a second ring of light to the earring that has a synchronized light pattern – you are obligated to make those modifications available to the public under a CERN OHL v2.0, S Variant license.
GPLThe GPL software license imposes reciprocal obligations on downstream users who want to make use of the software in their own version of the product (or for any other reason). The GPL is a good choice for this hardware because it matches the CERN OHL v2.0 S license.
The CC BY-SA license is more permissive than the licenses used for the hardware and software. That makes it comparatively easier for people to redistribute, copy, and modify the documentation for the device.
‘Kolibi’ is a fanciful name that does not describe the hardware or the purpose of the hardware. It is likely protectable under trademark law.
Protectability Spectrum of Project Components
Halo-90 Hardware
While the physical design of this product has many functional components, it also incorporates many creative and aesthetic features likely to receive some level of copyright protection – the ethereal glow, the red circular light pattern, and modern but elegant and retro vibe.

Halo-90 Software
Software is protected by copyright law.

Halo-90 Documentation
The Halo-90 documentation incorporates images, text, and illustrative design files. It is protectable by copyright.